Thursday, April 25, 2024
Mike Wilkes, Director of Cyber Operations
9:00am pacific / 12:00pm eastern
Benjamin Franklin coined the phrase “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” in 1736 in order to remind the citizens of Philadelphia to remain vigilant about fire awareness and prevention. But it was not meant to keep them from knowing how to detect a fire and how to quickly put it out. As we navigate the future of risk management and bring increasingly larger doses of cybersecurity to the discussions with our colleagues, our regulators and our boards of directors, we need to make a mental shift away from what feels like a prevention bias. We must assume breach, not fear it. Building and defending fault-tolerant, robust and trustworthy systems requires us to embrace failure in order to be able to deliver even a quantum of resilience. This session explores the evolution of thought surrounding failure in a philosophical and cultural context as digital defenders against those who deign to do us harm. Threat actors include the traditional nation states and organized crime, but now also include bored teenagers doing if for the lulz. Drawing from his eclectic work experience and knowledge of infosec, Mike Wilkes will engage attendees with some anecdotes picked up from others but also share some original storytelling that is sure to entertain as well as inform.